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  • An open ear, support and a safe bed for anyone in need.

    what we do

    We from the Schutzhütte B1 Rifugio EO association support and accompany people, especially refugee women and families, in emergency situations.

    The previous citizens’ initiative Binario1 | Bahngleis1 was a group of people who did not want to just be passive bystanders during the emergency situation at Bolzano’s train station in 2015 and instead organized spontaneous, quick and unbureaucratic aid.

    This initiative resulted in the creation of the ‘Schutzhütte B1 Rifugio’ association in 2017, which now focuses on protecting, supporting and empowering people at risk of homelessness by providing them with a shelter and support in their everyday lives.

    why we do it

    While the citizens’ initiative was born out of need and necessity, over time it has had to confront deficiencies and gaps in the system. Our projects are intended to offer specific social responses to these systematic local deficiencies in dealing with people seeking protection and at the same time to highlight grievances.

    Our aim is to point out precarious situations to the relevant authorities, trusting that they will find institutional responses that respect the applicable regulations and people’s dignity.

    We actively stand in the way of borders and quotas with solidarity and humanity.

    how we do it

    A large part of our work consists of counseling people who are looking for support in their current emergency situation. Every person is individual and every life is different. For this reason, the main focus is on assessing the individual situation and working together to find the next steps towards a solution.

    An initial supportive meeting and the first considerations and goals we set together mark the starting point of the journey together towards an independent and autonomous life.

    In addition to counseling, many of our guests are urgently looking for safe accommodation. Our temporary places in Bolzano and Blumau are primarily reserved for women and children.

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    Every contribution counts. Donate solidarity.

    Schutzhütte B1 Rifugio EO

    Via Col di Lana 10

    39100 Bozen

    +39 328 024 2108


    Donation account

    IBAN IT55 o08081 11601 000301015923

    BIC RZSBIT21103

    Tax number 94138630218

    Follow us! There is regular news from our association on Facebook and Instagram.

    © 2022 – 2025 Schutzhütte B1 Rifugio EO. All rights reserved.

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